Cash Needed (All In Closing) – The Total Cash needed to purchase property and rehab.

  Purchase Price
- Flip Mortgage Loan Amount
+ Repairs
+ Closing Cost Amount
= Cash Needed (all in closing)

Cash Needed (Holding Cost x Mos.) – The Total Cash needed to maintain property during rehab and listing periods.

  Holding Cost Mo.
+ Taxes	
+ Insurance
+ Mortgage Payment
= Cash Needed (Holding Cost X mos.)

Equity Profit (At Closing) – The Profit you make at closing when Purchasing the Property using the ARV. In our case, we also take Repairs under consideration.

  After Repair Value
- Purchase Price (or) Flip Mortgage Loan Amount
- Repairs
- Closing Cost Amount
- Mortgage Points
= Equity Profit (at closing)

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